
Wyświetlanie postów z marzec, 2021

Wh- words: the art of asking questions

 When we want to get some information, we nned to know the wh- words. Here's the list (it's pretty long...): What?  Co? Jaki? What's this? What is your favourite colour? Who? - Kto? Who is it? Who is next? Whose? - Kogo? Czyj? Whose bag is it? Where? - Gdzie? Where do you live? Where is the station? When? - Kiedy? When is your birthday? When did they come here? Why? - Dlaczego? Why are yu smiling? :) What time? - Która godzina? O której godzinie? What time is it? = What's the time? What time shall we start? What kind? - Jaki rodzaj? What kind of music do you like best? How? - Jak? How are you? How many? - Ile? How many photos has he taken? How many friends have you got? How much? - Ile? How much time will we spend on this project? How much? - Ile? (pytanie o cenę / koszt) How much is it? How long? - Jak długo? How long have you had this beautiful shawl? How long does it take to get to the forest? How far? - Jak daleko? How far is the station? How often? - Jak