
Wyświetlanie postów z kwiecień, 2021

Irregular verbs: make made made

  make                made               made               robić have                had                 had                 mieć leave                left                   left                   wyjechać, opuścić, zostawić lose                  lost               ...

Irregular verbs: think thought thought (and three more patterns)

bring                 brought            brought            przynieść buy                  bought              bought              kupić fight                 fought              fought              walczyć think                thought           thought              myśleć   catch  ...

Articles in geographical names, part II

 Psssst.... to be continued soon... :)

Articles in geographical names, part I

Przedimek "the" stawiamy przed nazwami: oceanów, mórz, rzek, archipelagów / grup wysp, pustyń i łańcuchów górskich. Oceans: the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean Seas: the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea, the Red Sea, the Dead Sea, the Mediterranean Sea Rivers: the Vistula, the Amazon, the Nile, the Thames, the Niger, the Mississippi Archipelagos / groups of islands: the Hawaiian Islands, the Canaries, the British Isles Deserts: the Sahara Desert Mountain ranges: the Tatras, the Alps Obiekty wyjątkowe, jedyne w swoim rodzaju, również mają przed sobą "the": the Sun, the Moon, the Earth, the Solar System the North Pole, the South Pole, the Equator

Irregular verbs: meet met met

  sleep                slept                slept                spać sweep              swept               swept               zamiatać weep                wept                wept                szlochać keep                 kept             ...

Present Perfect compilation

Here are the links that will make it possible for you to become perfect at using Present Perfect :). ever: never: just: already / yet: yet? since/for:

Who "lives" in a museum of toys?

Do you enjoy going to museums? Do you think you'd find a museum of toys interesting or boring? Would a visit to such a museum be good fun for you, or a waste of time? Well, imagine that you've been to one, anyway. Then choose one task: 1. Write about your visit to that museum. Describe one, two or three items that you've seen and share your opinion about the place. 2. Use your imagination and write a scene in which all the visitors are gone and the toys... come alive! 3. If you don't really feel like writing about a museum of toys, pick a museum of any kind that's more to your liking. Then describe what one can see there and share your opinion about this place.

Irregular verbs: build built built

build                built                 built                 budować lend                 lent                  lent                  pożyczać send                 sent                 sent                 wysłać spend              spent    ...

In the future

What will the world look like in the future? How will we live? Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Uzupełnij zdania własnymi pomysłami odnośnie tego, jak ludzie będą żyć w przyszłości. Jeśli kropeczki do uzupełnienia są na początku zdania, trzeba wpisać frazę wyrażającą opinię: I think / I don't think / I believe / I don't believe / I'm sure / I hope 1. I think people will eat..... 2. I believe people will...... in their free time.      I don't think they will...... 3. I'm sure people will live in......     .......... people will live on other planets. 4. ........... people will be healthier.         ........... they will live longer. 5. I'm sure people will travel by.....     They will move around.......      ........... people will use flying vehicles.  

Irregular verbs: put put put

Czasowniki, które mają wszystkie trzy formy takie same: cost cost cost     kosztować cut cut cut      ciąć hit hit hit      uderzyć hurt hurt hurt      ranić, krzywdzić, boleć let let let      pozwalać put put put      położyć, kłaść set set set      ustawić shut shut shut      zamknąć cast cast cast      rzucić broadcast broadcast broadcast      transmitować, nadawać forecast forecast forecast      prognozować read read read (II i III formę czytamy: red)       czytać ___________________________________________________

Words that are perfect for Present Perfect

never - nigdy ever - kiedykolwiek just - właśnie, dopiero co already - już (w zd. twierdzących) yet - jeszcze (nie) / (czy) już? recently, lately - ostatnio still - jeszcze since - od (jakiegoś momentu) for - od (jakiegoś czasu) so far - jak dotąd

Information Signs

  The world is full of them, isn't it? So, let's go creative, shall we? Design your own information sign that could be placed in one of the three areas: > your household > a garden, or any other place in nature > school or workplace Have fun! :) Here is a handful of links to information signs:

The Quantity Question(s)

Complete the questions below with something simple / usual or come up with something surprising /  peculiar. 1. How much....? 2. How many...? 3. How deep...? 4. How wide...? 5. How heavy...? 6. How long...? 7. How far...? 8. How old...? 9. How fast...? 10. What time....?