In the future

What will the world look like in the future? How will we live?

Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

Uzupełnij zdania własnymi pomysłami odnośnie tego, jak ludzie będą żyć w przyszłości.

Jeśli kropeczki do uzupełnienia są na początku zdania, trzeba wpisać frazę wyrażającą opinię:

I think / I don't think / I believe / I don't believe / I'm sure / I hope

1. I think people will eat.....

2. I believe people will...... in their free time. 

    I don't think they will......

3. I'm sure people will live in......

    .......... people will live on other planets.

4. ........... people will be healthier.    

    ........... they will live longer.

5. I'm sure people will travel by.....

    They will move around.......

     ........... people will use flying vehicles.



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