Creating a film/book/comic character
Would you like to try your hand at creating a fictional character?
Here's a bunch of questions to help you:
1. What's her/his name?
2. How old is she/he?
3. Where does she/he live?
4. What does she/he look like?
5. What is she/he like?
6. Can you say something about her/his family? Pets?
7. What's her/his favourite thing? Place? Kind of food?
8. What is her/his schedule on a typical day?
9. What does she/he do in her/his free time?
10. What's her/his hobby? / What is she/he interested in? / Crazy about?
11. What's her/his biggest dream?
12. Is there anything else about this character worth saying?
How do you like this character? Do you want to go on, for example to write a story or the first chapter of a book?
Good luck! :)
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